
Zsh plugin for nice git completions using fzf

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

This plugin is no longer maintained!

I found that fzf-tab serves the purpose of Git completions much better. You can read up more on how to use fzf-tab and other completions in this article


Git completions, powered by fzf

Demo Gif


Make sure you have fzf installed. Then use the plugin manager of your choice to install fzf-git.


zplug "hschne/fzf-git"


antigen bundle hschne/fzf-git

Oh my Zsh

 git clone https://github.com/hschne/fzf-git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/fzf-git


This plugin simply enables auto-completion of git commands using the ** trigger. For example, type

git checkout **<TAB>

to get a fuzzy-searchable list of branches. Currently only git checkout and its aliases (git co, gco, g checkout, g co) are supported.


MIT (c) @hschne