

hseeberger opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi everybody,

Given the bootstrapping capabilities of Akka Management, I don't think ConstructR adds any value any longer. At least not to me.

Therefore I will at least retire as an owner/maintainer of this project. If there is interest, others could take over – please let me know. If not, I will retire the project as well.

ktoso commented

Thanks for leading the effort, it was a great one Heiko.
I'm very glad it served it's purpose, and with ConductR phased out as well we can focus on the actual meat: Akka Management and all tools around it, including Bootstrap -- very excited about this :-)

By "retire", I think you can "archive" a repository nowadays which likely is the best suited state (no new activity), as people may want to look at the various integrations when trying to port them to Cluster Bootstrap -- thanks a lot!