- 5
throws a IllegalArgumentException when use AbstractApkFile's 'getV2Signer()' method
#72 opened by Crystalyh - 1
ManifestXml parse error
#74 opened by zhangwanyue - 1
APK parser error
#76 opened by snailis - 2
- 3
get Unexpected chunk Type 0x0
#66 opened by momobile - 1
- 0
- 4
- 1
Cannot find icon
#53 opened by jpmilhau - 1
Unexpected chunk Type: 0x61a5
#54 opened by snehil-om - 2
got an Exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError when using apkFile.getApkSingers(), version: 2.5.0
#67 opened by zhangwanyue - 2
If the apk has multiple signature, ApkParser only can get one signature certificate
#65 opened by ebert001 - 2
all the icons possible?
#62 opened by cheerholic - 2
- 4
fail to parse certification
#63 opened by tastypear - 4
Can you support multiple dex parsing?
#60 opened by payshin - 0
is there API reference?
#61 opened by xujun05 - 0
The APK file deleted failed after the method execute : "ApkParsers.getMetaInfo(theFile)"
#58 opened by kaywood - 2
- 1
#55 opened by wangyupeng1-iri - 1
Unexpected chunk type:{8508, 16188}
#52 opened by b202i - 0
Support different screen densities
#50 opened by mariotaku - 4
- 3
Get meta data fail if there is integer data
#46 opened by shwenzhang - 1
- 1
Add API to count methods
#45 opened by vbauer - 1
How to get launch activity from APK, looks like no this method in
#44 opened by ansonliao - 2
Null icon name in parsed manifest
#43 opened by mampcs - 5
Failure to parse the icon name and label
#42 opened by mampcs - 3
StackOverflowError when parsing apk
#41 opened by mampcs - 4
Unexpected chunk Type:203
#40 opened by coding-dchl - 3
Request/question : how to change SDK, to only parse APK files for intent-filters, for fastest&most efficient parsing ?
#39 opened by AndroidDeveloperLB - 27
- 3
NumberFormatException: For input string: "0x20000"
#38 opened by micrk - 1
#37 opened by packmad - 2
ability to access the application attributes
#31 opened by Avinash-Bhat - 5
#36 opened by shwenzhang - 2
using getResourceEntry()
#35 opened by WisdomSky - 4
Questions about the license
#33 opened by AndroidDeveloperLB - 2
apk-parser on Google App Engine ?
#34 opened by guffyWave - 3
How I can use this Parser in Android
#27 opened by sujitedu - 2
jdk6 branch :类ApkParser的方法parseCertificate一点疑问
#28 opened by lumeng689 - 2
suggest add a feature that can get icon file
#24 opened by fabletang - 1
Getting wrong locale when parsing XML files.
#26 opened by jaredrummler - 2
Typos in the README?
#23 opened by onyxbits - 3
- 2
v1.4.7-v1.7.4 can not parse a apk that can be installed normally on devices
#21 opened by SuoNayi-GitHub - 5
Bug : unknown protection level?
#20 opened by AndroidDeveloperLB - 2
how can i build this project with gradled.?
#18 opened by luoqii - 2
Does verifyApk() actually work?
#16 opened by highwater