Using very few measurements to predict properties in quantum many-body systems.
- alokkr01United States
- andgoldschmidtUniversity of Chicago
- anupammeUniversity of Edinburgh
- arnabd88University of Utah
- balopatDuke University
- brandeath
- chunjuwu
- csenruiThe University of Chicago
- DavitKhachParityQC
- debbiegoldsmith
- emerali@PIQuIL
- hsinyuan-huang
- hsuancheng
- isaacdevlugtXanadu
- Jens252
- jinleicWest Lafayette
- josecohenca
- lucylownon trivial
- MarioKrenn6240Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
- mohammedaugie13@bitwyre
- NarendraHegade5QuArtist
- newsmaquantum.duke.edu
- nunofernandes-plightPhotonics Precision Technologies, The Intelligence of Information & FasterCapital
- PostQuantumTsinghua University
- QPIpattern
- quantumhedgehogPalacky University Olomouc
- rkueng
- Rodin1000
- sorceressofmathematics
- starktech23
- ultimatileISSP, UTokyo
- vincentelfvingPASQAL
- vtomoleChicago, IL
- wmkirby1
- zerodynamics