
Error Symfony 5.0

Closed this issue ยท 6 comments

when loading the route saml/login this Error shows up "Hslavich\OneloginSamlBundle\Controller\SamlController" has no container set, did you forget to define it as a service subscriber?"

Symfony-version= 5.0.5
Bundel version: dev-master

You might also want to inject OneLogin\Saml2\Auth into the controller methods instead of using $this->get('onelogin_auth')

Same here, any update on this?

@pimjansen YES there is , you can youse my own forg https://github.com/mari0theminer/symfony_5_saml
"require": {
"mari0theminer/symfony_5_saml": "dev-master"

@mari0theminer great but im not a fan for a random fork tbh. Its ok for testing but im.more curious for a stable released fix

@mari0theminer great but im not a fan for a random fork tbh. Its ok for testing but im.more curious for a stable released fix

neither do I.
a Pull request is already opened by @hslavich #121

Problems with Symfony 5 solved.
If for some reason this issue needs to be reopened, let me know.