
Support to Angular Ahead of time compilation

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm using Angular with Ionic and when building my app with ahead of time compilation, an error is throwing 'cause property '_blur' is private and to support this kind of compilation, the properties of a component should be public at all.

This is a great component and i think that will be a awesome improvement support Ahead of Time in Angular + Ionic.

The error message:
ERROR in node_modules\ionic-tags-input\ionic-tags-input.d.ts.IonTagsInput.html(17,10): : Property '_blur' is private and only accessible within class 'IonTagsInput'. node_modules\ionic-tags-input\ionic-tags-input.d.ts.IonTagsInput.html(18,10): : Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.

fixed 69cc6ea try it now.

$ npm i ionic-tags-input@0.1.1

Hi, thanks for AOT.
But now have this problem using AOT=true

ng build --aot=true
ERROR in node_modules\ionic-tags-input\ionic-tags-input.d.ts.IonTagsInput.html(18,10): : Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.

The error reported by @rodolfocop has occurring with me too...

Any solution on this?

Yes, use React