
Is An Update Required?

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I'm new to Scala but I'm very interested in using it with JME. It's been 5 years since this repo was updated. Will it use the latest Scala/SBT/JME or would this project require an update? Basically, is this project vapor now or still relevant?

This repo contains JME's beginners tutorials (https://jmonkeyengine.github.io/wiki/jme3.html#tutorials_for_beginners ) converted into Scala. It seems like JME is still in version 3: if they haven't changed the API, it should still work.

Last time I played with this, it was with Scala 2.9.1 (according to the Build.Scala file). I don't know if it will still work with newer versions of Scala/SBT and I have no plan to update it as I don't use Scala anymore.