
Admin Functionality

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

I have this setup so the admin and regular functions are in the same channel so I'm not getting access to the admin functions. Do you recommend just removing the conditional for if ( !== adminChannel) to add these functions? Or am I missing something?

Thanks! My coworkers love that we have this setup.

Just so that I understand. You want everyone to get access to the admin functions, right?

If so, just change the config to:
"adminChannel" : "music"
Or what you want to call you official music channel..

And the standard channel to:
"standardChannel" : "what-ever-name"

Then you invite everyone to the "adminChannel", in this case #music and everyone should have full access...


Cool, thanks! I'm not sure that worked but I just commented out those conditionals for now. Thank you!