
Trading bot tool for Crypto (Binance) ✅ Forex 🚧. Stocks 🚧

Primary LanguagePython

🚀 Tradingbot (Work in Progress) 🚧


pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the program

Run the program once

python3 -m tradingbot

Run the program when on file changes (make sure you have installed nodemon)

nodemon --watch tradingbot --watch strategies -e py --exec python3 -m tradingbot

Run typechecking

mypy --namespace-packages ./tradingbot/main.py

nodemon --watch tradingbot --watch strategies -e py --exec mypy --namespace-packages ./tradingbot/main.py

Virtual Env

Create a virtual env for the project conda create -n tradingbot_env python=3.8.3

List all env available conda env list

Switch to the env conda activate tradingbot_env

Exit the current venv conda deactivate

Freeze packages pip freeze > requirements.txt


pip install --upgrade pip

Install TA-Lib

On ubuntu https://sachsenhofer.io/install-ta-lib-ubuntu-server/

Running python on background
