
Implement Rollershutter

htreu opened this issue · 9 comments

htreu commented
Implement Rollershutter

The Rollershutter works fine with the dimmer code :-)

updateOpenHabItem(value, callback) {
    console.log("received rollershutter value from iOS: " + value + ' ' + this.url);
    if (this.updatingFromOpenHAB) {
    var command = 0;
    if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
        command = value ? '100' : '0';
    } else {
        command = "" + value;
                body: command,
                headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}
            function (error, response, body) {
                    if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
htreu commented

cool. pull requests are welcome :-)

what is still open: update the CurrentPosition and PositionState while the roller shutter is moving.

BTW: Do you know the german Siri command for operating the shutters?

I added a pull request

Hi, could you please tell me how you got your shutters working?

I have:
(in items)
Rollershutter EG_Wohnzimmer_Rolladen_Links "Fenster links" (EG_Wohnzimmer_Rolladen) { knx="6/1/3,6/2/3" }

(in sitemap)
Switch item=EG_Wohnzimmer_Rolladen_Links label="Wohnzimmer links"

Now, when I say in German:

  • Setze Rolladen Wohnzimmer links auf 0%. -> nothing happens
  • I tried several other stuff, but when I say: Setze Rolladen auf 0%. then Siri recognize my item, but doesn't do anything. Strange is to, that Siri says: Setze Rolladen Wohnzimmer auf %. (without a number, just %).

How did you get this working? Do you say: Dimme Wohnzimmer links auf 0%? Could you please explain how you accomplished this? ;-)

Thanks a lot ;-)

@tex4ever You need to create a scene. There is currently no workable RollerShutter voice command in Siri (although Siri's "error message" indicates, that it does know "something" about RollerShutter.


any news for the RollerShutter possible ?

Not that I'm aware of, but you can use a scene to workaround

htreu commented

Rollershutters do work as of 35eafde (basic implementation). See #18 for german voice commands and sample rules to control up/down shutters.