
Using xfwd option with http-proxy doesn't remove x-forwarded-* headers

joeymalvinni opened this issue · 2 comments

I am making a reverse proxy with node-http-proxy. I have set the xfwd option in the options of createProxyServer, but it doesn't seem to affect the headers.

Here is a snippet of my code:

const proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({ 
    agent: httpsAgent,
    secure: true,
    ssl: options,          
    changeOrigin: true,
    xfwd: false // <--- doesnt delete X-Forwarded* headers

Can anyone reproduce this? Thanks.

Same here, with xfwd: false I get this error on production Next.js where req.headers.port is undefined by default:

TypeError [ERR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE]: Invalid value "undefined" for header "x-forwarded-port"
    at ClientRequest.setHeader (node:_http_outgoing:651:3)
    at new ClientRequest (node:_http_client:291:14)
    at request (node:https:358:10)
    at Y.e.request (/var/task/___vc/__launcher/__launcher.js:14:4955)
    at (/var/task/node_modules/http-proxy/lib/http-proxy/passes/web-incoming.js:126:74)
    at ProxyServer.<anonymous> (/var/task/node_modules/http-proxy/lib/http-proxy/index.js:81:21)
    at /var/task/node_modules/next-http-proxy-middleware/build/index.js:1:3305
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at /var/task/node_modules/next-http-proxy-middleware/build/index.js:1:2834
    at /var/task/node_modules/next-http-proxy-middleware/build/index.js:1:2052 {

So I have to set the header manually before proxying the request:
req.headers['x-forwarded-port'] = req.headers?.['x-forwarded-port'] ?? req.headers?.port ?? req.headers?.proto == 'http' ? 80 : 443

yep, seeing the same behaviour when trying to create a proxy using vite:

proxy: {
  '/auth': {
    target: '',
    changeOrigin: true,
    headers: {
      'x-forwarded-origin-host': 'localhost:4200',
      'x-forwarded-proto': 'http',

I'm running locally, so wanted to tell my Staging API Server that we're actually coming from HTTP. It's basically impossible to provide your own x-forwarded-proto. I can disable it and whatever I do, it always sends "https" after my own custom header.

I believe it's because I'm using changeOrigin: true? I don't even understand what's the point of setting x-forwarded automatically to the origin server itself? The whole point of it, is to allow me to tell my origin server where it's actually coming from.

I can't even find a single workaround/hack for it, apart from using patch-package to delete that functionality