
Fix snapshot publishing

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Run echo $PGP_SECRET | base64 --decode | gpg --import
base64: invalid input

I exported a key and base64 encoded it, but apparently not in the format necessary to create something that works with that command. Does anybody remember the correct incantation?

It is indeed very confusing that the base64 decoding seems to fail.

Hmm, is PGP_SECRET bigger than 64KB (see here)? For my key,

$ gpg --export-secret-keys 0BC58F292D5F87E12AADD2BF1A89EC203635A13D | base64 | wc -c

results in ~12KB.

export PGP_SECRET=$(gpg --export-secret-keys 0BC58F292D5F87E12AADD2BF1A89EC203635A13D | base64)
echo $PGP_SECRET | base64 --decode | gpg --import

works fine for me.

Maybe using base64 -w 0 is needed to prevent the newlines in the output? Pasting multi-line text in the github secrets web interface might be the problem.

I think the -w 0 might be it. Updating the secret and trying again.

I think #155 will fix that, but I don't know what lurks beyond that.

Ok, the SSH private key appears to have the same base64 issue. src

Two problems fixed:

  • the ssh key isn't base64 encoded (#156)
  • when we echo a variable with new lines unquoted, the shell splits those into arguments (b8961df)

Back to ioctl woes.

Success with c48df4c, found in scalatyle.

Sorry for the master pushes, but this is fiddly work. Now back to regular PRs and real code. 😄