
Why is the template based on `Stream`?

armanbilge opened this issue · 3 comments

Specifically this part:

def stream[F[_]: Async]: Stream[F, Nothing] = {

Seems like a vanilla Resource would work just fine via useForever instead of this thing:

Motivation: just got a question about this on the Discord. IMO Stream is a very big step up from IO and Resource for a newcomer.

Interestingly, the IO version of the template uses Resource and useForever exactly like what you would expect.$package__packaged$/$name__Camel$Server.scala

If this is meant to be an "advanced" template, maybe we should make the distinction more clear?

I would say legacy. StreamApp predates IOApp. I've been trying to teach at work that a Stream[F, ExitCode] is almost never what you want.

I'm going to fix this template to use Resource and useForever like the other one.