
Support for team collaboration/sync

BoscoDomingo opened this issue · 3 comments


  • I've searched for similar feature requests.

Enhancement request

Simple: enable syncing of workspaces between teams, so the same Request can be edited by one user and used by another. This can be easily set up in a GitHub repo so it has no cost to you.

Problem it solves

Ability to work as a team without having to manually share requests

Additional information, screenshots, or code examples

Postman and Insomnia both offer this, and it's quite a valuable feature. It's keeping me from using HTTPie.

It could also open the door to shared environments.

We've worked around this internally by creating a Github shared / service account that we all log on to in HTTPie desktop, but having actual shared / sync would be amazing.

Alternatively, provide a simple way to save / load groups and requests from filesystem, then we could just sync those files via Git / OneDrive / etc.