
conda-forge lists __win as a MatchSpec dependency for httpie=2.2.0 preventing installation on linux-64

Closed this issue · 2 comments


  • [x ] I've searched for similar issues.
  • [x ] I'm using the latest version of HTTPie.

Minimal reproduction code and steps

conda search -c conda-forge httpie=3.2.2 --json

Current result

"httpie": [
"arch": null,
"build": "pyh95a074a_0",
"build_number": 0,
"channel": "",
"constrains": [],
"depends": [
"charset-normalizer >=2.0.0",
"colorama >=0.2.4",
"defusedxml >=0.6.0",
"multidict >=4.7.0",
"pygments >=2.5.2",
"python >=3.8",
"requests >=2.22.0",
"requests-toolbelt >=0.9.1",
"rich >=9.10.0",
"fn": "httpie-3.2.2-pyh95a074a_0.conda",
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"license_family": "BSD",
"md5": "c6ee62b8fd87c36e8a8536419bcf1222",
"name": "httpie",
"noarch": "python",
"package_type": "noarch_python",
"platform": null,
"sha256": "e7c97481da722bb1df801b69193a1f6651cfe44c42face0bba642cf7858467a0",
"size": 93973,
"subdir": "noarch",
"timestamp": 1684775341975,
"url": "",
"version": "3.2.2"

$ conda install -c conda-forge httpie=3.2.2

  • conda-forge
  • nodefaults
    Platform: linux-64
    Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
    Solving environment: -

LibMambaUnsatisfiableError: Encountered problems while solving:

  • nothing provides __win needed by httpie-3.2.2-pyh95a074a_0

Could not solve for environment specs
The following package could not be installed
└─ httpie 3.2.2** is not installable because it requires
└─ __win, which is missing on the system.

Expected result

__win should not be a MatchSpec requirement on linux-64 systems

Hi, I have tried this too and found an exact issue on my machine. Below are the details for my machine and the architecture too.

conda install -c conda-forge httpie=3.2.2

  • conda-forge
  • microsoft
  • defaults
    Platform: linux-64
    Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
    Solving environment: failed

LibMambaUnsatisfiableError: Encountered problems while solving:

  • nothing provides __win needed by httpie-3.2.2-pyh95a074a_0

Could not solve for environment specs
The following package could not be installed
└─ httpie 3.2.2** is not installable because it requires
└─ __win, which is missing on the system.

uname -srm
Linux 6.5.0-21-generic x86_64

It s giving a requirement as '__win' while there should be a requirement for '"__unix" as seen in version 3.2.1

I highly doubt that the feedstock/conda for HTTPie is broken. But if it is, HTTPie do not maintains it.
Please retry out of a clean conda environment and if it persist, I suggest to open an issue at conda feedstock to seek for support.
