
Running HttpSoft implementation agains set of tests

vasily-kartashov opened this issue · 3 comments

I compiled this list of tests for http-message spec:

The tests are kept as traits, so it shouldn't be a problem to reuse in your project if the need arises. In any case, there are few issues, feel free to check out the latest master and run all tests/HttpSoft* for more details. One notable issue is how you handle Host header.

Also, my benchmark results look quite different from yours:

Comprehensive test
| Function description | Execution time (s) | Memory usage (mb) | Times faster |
| ring-central         | 4.0299             | 0.0970            | 14%          |
| nyholm               | 4.5991             | 0.1470            | 12%          |
| guzzle               | 5.1903             | 0.3000            | 13%          |
| hamlet-framework     | 5.8748             | 0.3160            | 31%          |
| zend-diactoros       | 7.6987             | 0.1780            | 3%           |
| http-soft            | 7.9331             | 0.1530            | 25%          |
| wind-walker          | 9.9951             | 0.3440            | 0            |
Fetching test
| Function description | Execution time (s) | Memory usage (mb) | Times faster |
| hamlet-framework     | 1.7709             | 0.0000            | 17%          |
| ring-central         | 2.0741             | 0.0000            | 3%           |
| nyholm               | 2.1567             | 0.0000            | 4%           |
| guzzle               | 2.2612             | 0.0000            | 44%          |
| zend-diactoros       | 3.2708             | 0.0010            | 12%          |
| wind-walker          | 3.6730             | 0.0010            | 6%           |
| http-soft            | 3.9247             | 0.0000            | 0            |


As I understand it, you are testing a request, it is slower than the others due to the creation of a thread

The "Host" header is processed in accordance with:

Here a simple creating objects of all classes, including all factories.

This is the code for benchmark: As you can see the code is identical across different implementations of http-message. How does it disadvantage httpsoft/http-message?