
Error: Could not locate the binding file. Tried: `node_modules/frida/build/frida_binding.node`

huan opened this issue · 1 comments

huan commented
  • Easy solution: use a server outside of China to get an unblocked network connection.
  • Hard solution: download frida_binding.node from manually (the packaged file name is frida-v{version}-node-*.tar.gz, for example, frida-v15.0.13-node-v64-darwin-arm64.tar.gz). Pick the right version and architecture for you, and then put it into node_modules/frida/build folder.


frida is using prebuild-install to install binary files from GitHub Release.

If your server has any trouble with visiting the Amazon S3 servers (which is all the GitHub release artifacts are hosted on), then your NPM install will fail to download the binary files (frida_binding.node in our case).

huan commented


We have created to check and re-install via CDN if necessary.