
compile the Cpp/CUDA

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Thank you for sharing!
Do you need additional conditions to compile successfully?such as the version of CUDA and VS .
(I chose the second option)

Thank you for sharing!
Do you need additional conditions to compile successfully?such as the version of CUDA and VS .
(I chose the second option)

Hello,have you reproduced this paper?

Thank you for sharing!
Do you need additional conditions to compile successfully?such as the version of CUDA and VS .
(I chose the second option)

Hello,have you reproduced this paper?

Hello, I'm a beginner and i can't understand this code. So i try to write a new code, mainly referring to the source code of faster RCNN and the network structure of this paper, using a small amount of data training, without testing on the benchmark data sets.The effect should not be very good.