
Is there any way to speed up online tracking?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

klq-Y commented

6fps is too slow,and it's runing on a powerful TitanX GPU.

There could be several possible ways to speed up GlobalTrack:

  1. Using a more efficient backbone by replacing ResNet50 to, e.g., ResNet18/MobileNets/EfficientNets.
  2. Reducing the input image size, from (1333, 800) to, e.g., (640, 480).
  3. Using a low-precision or quantized model, by converting fp32 weights to fp16 or int8.
  4. Combining GlobalTrack with a fast local tracker (e.g., SiamRPN, ATOM). Only run GlobalTrack when local tracker detects a failure.

Hope this helps.

klq-Y commented

Thank you very much for your advice.