
Hello, how about testing my own video?

yangzhegithub opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, how about testing my own video?

Hi, a code snippet for testing on your own data would be like this:

import _init_paths
import as data
from trackers import GlobalTrack

cfg_file = 'configs/'
ckp_file = 'checkpoints/qg_rcnn_r50_fpn_coco_got10k_lasot.pth'
transforms = data.BasicPairTransforms(train=False)
tracker = GlobalTrack(
    cfg_file, ckp_file, transforms,

# TODO: define your own img_files and init_bbox
# img_files: a list of paths to your sequential images
# init_bbox: a 4-element array containing [x1, y1, x2, y2]
out_bboxes = tracker.track(img_files, init_bbox, visualize=True)

Or, if you are dealing with sequential images, you can do manual init and update:

tracker.init(img_0, init_bbox)
for ...
    out_bbox = tracker.update(img_i)

@huanglianghua thank you so much, this is a nice job.