
Menu bar with dark mode

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Dev.

I recently discovered 7zipDarkmode and I like to see 7zip with a dark theme, but could you make the menu bar (File, Edit, View... etc) also appear in dark mode?

And also I would like to see the icon of "a folder up" (I think you know it, the icon where an open folder appears with a green arrow) with a dark background.

That's all, thanks for creating 7zipDarkmode. 😊

Hi. I made a unperfect one. But I can't make the text color in the menu to be white.

Would you like to Sponsor this project at my Patreon to get the dark menu one?

I know the "up" button is white. But I haven't found a solution for it.

Any plans to release this variant?

I have added the option to choose whether to have the menu bar or to remove the menubar in this fork: