
please update to version 21.06 (2021-11-24) 64-bit

Closed this issue · 9 comments

please update to version 21.06 (2021-11-24) 64-bit

@huanrenfeng Yes please. I'd also really appreciate it.

I'll see what I can do.

I tested. The current release of 7zipdarkmode file can work for 21.06 64-bit without any problem.

The reason is simple. 7zFM.exe is just a GUI. The real compressing and decompressing work is handled by 7z.exe etc.

I can even say that 7zipdarkmode can work for any version of 7zip.

@local5805 @ImportTaste

forked and published a version for v21.07 & 64bit support

@huanrenfeng if you want, i can push the changes to your fork

@local5805 @ImportTaste

forked and published a version for v21.07 & 64bit support

@huanrenfeng if you want, i can push the changes to your fork

That's awesome! Submit a PR and I'll merge that! Thank you!

@local5805 @ImportTaste

forked and published a version for v21.07 & 64bit support

@huanrenfeng if you want, i can push the changes to your fork

Wait, I checked your code for a little bit, it seems that the code is not compatible with old versions?

yes its correct. it is based on the newest version. old version was also not compatible with the newest version.
There is also a little difference. Building x64 requires detours x64.
If you build x64 you need to name the library detours64.lib

yes its correct. it is based on the newest version. old version was also not compatible with the newest version. There is also a little difference. Building x64 requires detours x64. If you build x64 you need to name the library detours64.lib

Yeah I know.
Don't worry. I'll just merge it. People can download 0.05 for old versions and 0.06 for new x64 version.

Merged! Case close!