Robust deep reinforcement learning with adversarial attacks.
potatoKiller0 opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi, in your paper, you compare your result with 'Robust deep reinforcement learning with adversarial attacks.'. I can't find the code. Could you provide it,thanks.
I implemented their algorithm but the code is not released in this repository. However, you can find an implementation of their algorithm in the new repository of my recent ICLR paper on robust ATLA-PPO:
Using the new code repository, you can run the following command (this uses the Ant environment as an example):
python --config-path config_ant_vanilla_ppo.json --robust-ppo-eps 0.15 --attack-method critic --attack-ratio 1.0 --collect-perturbed-states true
specifies the epsilon for training time adversarial attack; --attack-method
is the attack algorithm for training time attack (default is the critic
attack; see here for a list of attacks; for example, you can also try our MAD attack); --attack-ratio
specifies the percentage of states under attack (you can try 0.5 and 1.0; sometimes 1.0 leads to divergence). --collect-perturbed-states true
means collecting the trajectory using the perturbed observations (rather than the ground-truth states) during training; I found that it is important for their algorithm to converge.