
Matches on pam configuration files failing

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Completely stumped as to why this is failing. Possibly related to the report in #61

Currently focused on CIS-5.3.4: Ensure password hashing algorithm is SHA-512

grep at the command line matches on the file

$ grep -E '^password\s+\w+\s+pam_unix\.so.*sha512.*' /etc/pam.d/password-auth
password    sufficient sha512 shadow nullok try_first_pass use_authtok

The above should be enough to satisfy the CIS rule. As described below

        CentOS Linux-7:
        - /etc/pam.d/password-auth:
            pattern: '^password\s+\w+\s+pam_unix\.so.*sha512.*'
              - '-E'
            tag: CIS-5.3.4
      description: Ensure password hashing algorithm is SHA-512

Note: this current pattern deviates from the current file in develop branch which does not match at all.

osfinger returns

    CentOS Linux-7

Which is applying cis/centos-7-level-1-scored-v2-1-0.yaml

Any help to track this down would be appreciated. I am stumped.

Here is output from minion log that might help:

2016-09-27 17:23:01,439 [][INFO    ][8017] Executing command 'grep  -E ^password\\s+\\w+\\s+pam_unix\\.so.*sha512.* /etc/pam.d/password-auth-ac' in directory '/root'
2016-09-27 17:23:01,446 [][DEBUG   ][8017] retcode: 1
2016-09-27 17:23:01,446 [][INFO    ][8017] Executing command 'grep /etc/pam.d/system-auth' in directory '/root'
2016-09-27 17:23:01,453 [][DEBUG   ][8017] stdout: auth        sufficient nullok try_first_pass
account     required
password    sufficient sha512 shadow nullok try_first_pass use_authtok
session     required

Not clear to me if this is two commands happening in parallel?

I assume the check is in the whitelist section of grep in the profile?

The two commands are not happening in parallel. Note the retcode: 1 from the command we're worried about. Grep isn't finding that pattern. The question is why...

Could it be the lack of quoting on the command as shown in the logs? Perhaps try this:

        CentOS Linux-7:
        - /etc/pam.d/password-auth:
            pattern: '"^password\s+\w+\s+pam_unix\.so.*sha512.*"'
              - '-E'
            tag: CIS-5.3.4
      description: Ensure password hashing algorithm is SHA-512

The double quotes should make it through to the grep command. Curious if it makes a difference.

A bit obvious when I look at it and the one combination I did not try...

PR submitted.