
Adding hubblestack pillar data doesn't allow audits

Closed this issue · 2 comments


# /srv/salt/pillar/hubble.sls
hubblestack.nova.dir: salt://hubblestack_nova
hubblestack.nova.saltenv: base
hubblestack.nova.autosync: True
hubblestack.nova.autoload: True

Using the above details in pillar prevented audits from working, resulting in the following:

salt \* hubble.audit
    - False
    - No nova modules have been loaded.

Once the pillar was removed, sync and audit worked without issue.

I'm betting I made a mistake in my URL parsing for the nova dir. I'll look into this tomorrow.

Note, you can use triple backticks ``` to do multiline code blocks on github. I edited your post to use them, edit it yourself if you want to see how it's done.

Cool cool... I didn't even look at the preview
