
[feature] data mine the local XML or parse RHSA web data

Closed this issue · 3 comments

tl;dr: MOAR data

There's a lot of useful information that we could use to dashboard CVE data, we just aren't mining it yet. Let's mine it for items like:

Advisory:   RHSA-2015:0066-2
Type:   Security Advisory
Severity:   Moderate
Issued on:  2015-01-20
Last updated on:    2015-01-21
Package(s): foo foo-bar foo-baz

... and anything else we can come up with.

Agreed! I was thinking the same thing when i saw the output from the scan example in slack that you posted. Definitely the severity and packages are very important.

Possibly include some data in the header - this will be useful for comparing scans that are run at different times:

Date Scanned: YYYYMMDD
Definition File: <name of the xml>
Checked #### vulnerabilities
### Vulnerabilities Found
###% Compliant
CVSS Score:

It appears we will probably be deprecating the original cve_scan module in favor of v2. I'm going to close this issue as a result.