
Enhancement/New Feature: "The Visual Validator"

Opened this issue · 1 comments

@bherr2 @katyb @kebelhar
IDEA I had about what I think would be a highly desired tool combination what I will describe as “The Visual Validator” : What would be incredibly cool is if we could marry the CCF Tools python script output (David Osumi-Sutherland's tool) to the ASCT+B reporter in some manner. Whatever that would take could be incredibly valuable. If OK, I could discuss this with David as a possible way to visually represent the validation and then invalid relationships would be highlighted visually in reporter.

Attached is a mock up of what this might look like if the relationship that was invalid would be highlighted in bright green for the heart ASCT+B table validation using CCF_Tools Python script and IF it could be visualized in reporter.

I also supply the validation report for heart.

Screen Shot 2021-08-11 at 12 03 20 PM

Screen Shot 2021-08-11 at 12 05 45 PM

We might be able to add an endpoint that will return similar info that can be embedded in the reporter. The whole point of the reporter is to validate the asct+b tables, so seems appropriate.

Depending on the logic, we might be able to translate what he has into TypeScript which would fit our flow much better. I believe it would work since the endpoint is doing a lot of the work.