
Bug: AS not connected to CT in visualization

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Can someone look into this?

This is a new table and the person generating it reported this problem.

This should work, but I have not yet tried to replicate.

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Fisher, Stephen A" <>
Subject: [External] Bug in reporter?
Date: March 22, 2022 at 3:55:17 PM EDT
To: HuBMAP CCF Info <>
Cc: Kathleen O'Neill <Kathleen.O'>

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I noticed the Reporter ignores links when cells are assigned to structures that are not leaves of the anatomical tree. The attached pictures illustrate the problem using the Uterus v1.0 ASCT+B table.


Stephen Fisher, PhD
Biology Department
University of Pennsylvania

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2-03-22 at 7.47.09
Screen Shot 2022-03-22 at 7 47 09 PM

CC: @safisher

This may be a conceptual issue too (CC @katyb ) that we need to go over. So, yes, only leaf nodes draw to the CTs. The left-hand side is a tree and then CT + B columns are added and drawn between the two.

We could work on a naive approach that draws from non-leaf nodes to CT. I do worry it's gonna look wonky, but worth a try to see.