
Bug: first instance of AS with CT showing, but not others

emquardokus opened this issue · 0 comments

@bherr2 @katyb @vutukuriajay2241

We had a report on Friday that I tracked down with a simplified table as follows:

I was viewing the file “Ovary_v1.1_generated” in the Reporter and noticed that a bunch of >anatomical structures are missing — see attached photo. Any idea what’s happened?

My reply after making a simplified table and trying out a few things:

Short answer: it appears that redundancy in AS and CT usage, only the first instance as it is listed in the table is visualized. See detailed test below. This is definitely not the desired outcome; I’ll file a ticket. Thanks!

To narrow down the issue you are asking about here, I took only a subset of the table to visualize in the reporter playground:

The test sheet with only the AS/5 epithelium of female gonad section of ovary table

I looked at the elements represented and I think I figured out why there’s a “problem”…

When I downloaded a copy of the full ovary v1.1 table to play with and sorted on column U because I saw 24 instances of epithelium of female gonad matched with different AS, the reporter appears to only be visualizing the first instance with cell types.

I tested this by sorting on AS/4, visualizing to see which AS the CT were matched to and then sorted on AS/5 and visualized the table again. In both cases only the first instance of the AS is associated with the 2 cell types they were different AS from the list of unique AS.

These 24 instances AS/5, had 2 cell types CT/1 each associated with 12 unique AS/4

central inferior antimesenteric ovary
central inferior mesenteric ovary
central superior antimesenteric ovary
central superior mesenteric ovary
lateral inferior antimesenteric ovary
lateral inferior mesenteric ovary
lateral superior antimesenteric ovary
lateral superior mesenteric ovary
medial inferior antimesenteric ovary
medial inferior mesenteric ovary
medial superior antimesenteric ovary
medial superior mesenteric ovary
asct+b_example_2022 04 01_06 28
Screen Shot 2022-04-01 at 6 22 17 PM

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From: "Fisher, Stephen A" <>
Date: April 1, 2022 at 5:02:28 PM EDT
To: HuBMAP CCF Info <>
Subject: [External] Odd glitch in Reporter?

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I was viewing the file “Ovary_v1.1_generated” in the Reporter and noticed that a bunch of anatomical structures are missing — see attached photo. Any idea what’s happened?

Also, thanks for the direct link to the playground.


Stephen Fisher, PhD
Biology Department
University of Pennsylvania

Original report photos:
Screen Shot 2022-04-01 at 9 58 55 PM