
Feature request: ADD ISBN support for books in addition to DOI for published journal manuscripts

emquardokus opened this issue · 4 comments

For References in ASCT+B tables, can we add ISBN support for books in addition to to DOI for published journal manuscripts

Example from Skin table DRAFT v1.2

I looked this up to see if I could get it to download from any electronic source, but it’s too old --> from 1974.

Authors also had miscited it as Elsevier 2012, but on there is a electronic copy of this 1974 book they put online in 2012---it's still the original 1974 book and it's from Academic Press.

Row 26
What should Ref/1 contain (author had filled with N/A for not applicable), Ref/1/DOI (author had filled with “no DOI”) contain when someone is citing a book which never will have a DOI, but rather an ISBN number as it’s unique identifier?

I removed N/A and “no DOI” from columns because these are unexpected values for those columns and screws up validation pipelines; blank is better than filled.

The Ref/1/NOTES column can contain notes about things related to the Ref/1 and Ref/1/DOI columns.

Montagna, William, and Paul F. Parakkal. 1974. The Structure and Function of Skin. 3rd ed. New York, NY, USA: Academic Press. ISBN 13:978-0-12-505263-4

Related issues:
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Feature request: ADD PMID support for websites cited in addition to DOI for published journal manuscripts #374

I suppose we could add an optional ISBN property to REF/x/*. REF/x should be citation text (in whatever style they want)

To be clear, for an ISBN, we would have header Ref/n/ISBN?
Example : Ref/1 = reference in any format, Ref/1/ISBN or Ref/1/DOI and I have a Ref/1/NOTES for information authors want to convey about the ref like AS-CT relationship.


You can put that in now and we'll work on bringing that up into the UI