
Compare component updates to content, structure, buttons

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Compare component updates to content, structure, buttons


To Do

  • Update the content of the instructions to the content specified in the Figma file.
  • Add a divider, a "New" badge, and content to the instructions container
  • Implement spacing and layout adjustments in the upload interface
  • Color the asterisk after "Data" red
  • Implement the Upload File button update
  • Implement the No file loaded copy under the new Upload button


User Stories

  • As a user, I want to know what data I can compare, so that I can generate useful visualizations and reports from the ASCT+B Reporter.
  • As a user, I want to have helpful instructions, so that I can successfully use this feature.
  • As a user, I want the compare component to be intuitive, so that I can quickly generate visualizations and reports that further my research.
  • As a user, I want a button with an upload icon instead of a vague attachment icon without a label, so that I can learn how to use this interface faster.