
CSE API 1.0 Deprecation

jbrodley opened this issue · 1 comments

Anyone else get the deprecation email from Google?

The Custom Search Element API 1.0, which was deprecated in 2012 in favor of API 2.0, is now no longer maintained. API 1.0 may experience outages and failures, and possibly stop working entirely.

You’re receiving this message because our records show you might currently be using the Custom Search Element API 1.0. You can confirm if you’re using this version by looking at the code on your search page for a call to

Next Steps

To avoid any potential interruptions in service, please update your website to use the Custom Search Element API 2.0. The easiest way to transition is through the CSE Control Panel at, where you can generate your new Custom Search Engine code and add it to your website.

I too got this email, but I suspect there won't be any issues here. This documentation still points to the same JSON endpoint being used here.

Additionally, I see no calls to "" in this repo.