
cannot update the description of a task

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
You can't update the description of a task. It gets reset every time I create a subtask or leave the view

To Reproduce
you can see it in the video

Expected behavior
That the description gets updated

Video (how to reproduce this issue)


  • OS: macOS
  • Browser: safari
  • Version: 18.0.1 (20619.

Works fine for me on the same instance though, just tested it in Safari and in Arc, both work perfectly fine for me @DinoMarlir


Can you see the success messsage displayed ?
Because I'm using the free tier plan of Mongodb Atlas
So It will take time to complete the update process

No, I don't see the success message. I have some errors in the console. It seems to be an issue with the date serialization.

image image

Tried several time and everything work well
But found that planned Date not to be used actually
So I'll remove plannedDate