

UniverseFly opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there, it seems that all the mathematical formulas or symbols in the text are missing in the current version of the course. For example, in Unit 8, there is an inconsistent paragraph:


I noticed that the source file introduced some maths that failed to be displayed:

As we can see, \\( r_t(\theta) \\) denotes the probability ratio between the current and old policy:

- If \\( r_t(\theta) > 1 \\), the **action \\( a_t \\) at state \\( s_t \\) is more likely in the current policy than the old policy.**
- If \\( r_t(\theta) \\) is between 0 and 1, the **action is less likely for the current policy than for the old one**.

This error also exists in other units, such as the proof of policy gradient where all equations disappeared.

Hey there 👋 thanks for pointing this out indeed it seems there's a bug with doc-builder we're investigating why. Sorry for the inconvenience. In the meantime the best is to read with mdx.

The problem has been solved thanks for pointing this out 🤗