
[HANDS-ON BUG] Unzip commands in unit 5 not working

JonasDeBoeck opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

The unzip commands in the unit 5 hands on do not work. There appears to be something wrong with either the command or the zip files.


  • Did you use Google Colab? Yes

this is a bug on part of HF team. The downloaded zip file by wget command is corrupt.

A hack that worked for me is

  • Download the environment yourself in your PC from the HF link provided in colab -
  • Upload the file to /content/ml-agents/training-envs-executables/linux in collab.
  • run zip command now. It should not give any error
  • for snowball target environment replace ml-agents command with
    !mlagents-learn ./config/ppo/SnowballTarget.yaml --env=./training-envs-executables/linux/SnowballTarget/SnowballTarget.x86_64 --run-id="SnowballTarget7" --no-graphic

This should work

Hey there 👋 we modified the units that were using wget with Drive 🤗 . I'm closing the issue.