
Free response support

osanseviero opened this issue · 0 comments

Copy-pasting idea from Discord user

I was going through the "Deep RL Course" and for as much as I love huggingface and its courses it seemed ironic that the "free response" questions ( didn't leverage Huggingface and include a gradio input (or something along those lines) that would analyze sentence similarity with the input and the answer.

Create an input <FreeResponse ...> that takes in the correct answer and user input and returns how correct it is leveraging models already in Huggingface Hub. Similar to (

I really wanted to make the contribution but when researching how the <Question ...> tag worked I realized here that there is some additional processing happening at some other step that does not exist within this repository. Where else should I look to see how the <Question ...> tag works?
Any additional advice on how to create this feature and contribute it back to Hugginface?