- 8
- 5
Inference on marked text
#47 opened by vitalyshalumov - 5
Alternative plugin for Jetbrains IntelliJ?
#24 opened by alexmensak - 5
the vsix doesn't work?,how to fix it
#50 opened by CuteBadEgg - 3
- 4
Keyboard shortcut to trigger completion
#48 opened by Aloso - 3
- 4
- 2
- 2
Publish `HF Code Autocomplete` to Open VSX
#11 opened by omhomurlu - 3
Publish `EXTENSION_NAME` to Open VSX
#49 opened by jar43 - 2
- 2
Privacy concerns
#42 opened by vquilon - 4
Just getting TabNine - nothing for StableCode
#54 opened by nickknyc - 6
- 1
Requires Tabnine
#46 opened by vitalyshalumov - 1
- 2
Developing Step 2: Install Deps failing
#38 opened by roblee-uk - 2
- 2
- 0
Setting up API token gives error
#39 opened by AbinavRavi - 4
Error to set up API Key GBUS Related
#17 opened by TheoOliveira - 1
Catastrophic typo in README?
#33 opened by apaz-cli - 1
- 2
Middle/Suffix swapped?
#27 opened by ryanolson - 2
Custom endpoint server
#21 opened by LucienShui - 4
HuggingFaceCode::setApiToken not found
#20 opened by harm-devries - 2
Fill-in-the-Middle (FIM) Mode not working
#23 opened by atanida - 1
- 1
How to authenticate?
#15 opened by DavidArenburg - 1