
Menu item Publish points to config page of plugin

pamtbaau opened this issue · 7 comments

The route of the menu should point to 'publish'.


'route' => $isInitialized ? $this->admin_route : "plugins/{$this->name}",

That will be because $isInitialized is false. Do you have a .git folder under user? That's all it tests for. It's from GitSync. It's good for me to know if this test works in other environments. 👍

I didn't get where the .git should reside.

Do you have a .git folder under user?

Do you mean:

  • /user/.git
  • /user/pages/.git
  • ...

Yes, the first one. Just initialise a blank repo there if that's simpler.

I do have a /user/.git and updated Typography, but nothing to see at /admin/publish.

I expected to see a list of "dirty" pages that need to be committed by the user. Correct?

Ah, so the menu item is showing /admin/publish now? That's correct but you're expecting to see a list of uncommitted changes?

This is another issue, but if these things are true, you should see the changes if you:

  • under the config folders, uncomment users and comment out the rest (may not matter though)
  • run composer install for the git library - this is feebly documented at present.

I only suggest this if you are curious. It doesn't relate to the issue.

Ah, wasn't aware of the setting... I see a list of dirty pages now.

I didn't intend for you to test this functionality but it's very useful that you did, thank you 🙏