
Star Wars Death Star API mini-project

Primary LanguagePHP

The API Strikes Back

Sample project around API consumption and data processing.

Alternative names:

  • A New SOAP
  • Return of the Function
  • Attack of the Git Clones
  • The Git Push Force Awakens

Set up

To install dependencies via Composer:

make vendor

Running tests

To run the tests and static analysers:

make test

To get code coverage:

make coverage


Client SSL certificate

You'll need to generate an SSL cert for the client to use when accessing the Death Star API. We have used the Force and middleware-chlorians to ensure that the self-signed SSL cert you generate on your machine will be accepted by the Death Star's CA regardless of the details.

E.g. using openssl:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout client.key -out client.crt
openssl dhparam -out client.pem 1024

(The second command will take a long time, in a galaxy far away.)

Now the client.pem certificate file can be used to make signed requests to the Death Star API.

Local test server

The real Death Star API is at https://death.star.api/, but for local testing purposes we can use the test server:

php -S localhost:8888 test-server.php

That runs a forgiving test server that will respond to our requests. Once you've got that running somewhere, you can continue.


The console commands use environment variables to get the required client id, client secret and cert file location. Export these environment variables first for the commands to use:

export DEATH_STAR_URI='http://localhost:8888/'
export DEATH_STAR_ID='Alderan'
export DEATH_STAR_CERT_FILE='client.pem'

You can see available commands with:

php console.php help

You can make a token request using the client like this:

php console.php authorise

That will return an Oauth2 token if you want to use that.

Note that the other commands will automatically fetch the Oauth2 token first and use it to make their request.

To blow up a reactor exhaust, use this command. Specify which reactor exhaust to blow up with the first argument. This is sure to cause some pager alerts for Death Star engineers.

php console.php delete:reactor-exhaust 1

To get information about the location of a prisoner, use this command. Specify the name of the prisoner as the first argument.

php console.php get:prisoner 'leia'

That will fetch the raw Droidspeak response. To get it converted to Galactic Basic, pipe it to the translator command like this:

php console.php get:prisoner 'leia' | php console.php translate:droid-speak

You will then get the output in Galactic Basic.