
Tumblr Agent

0xdevalias opened this issue · 4 comments

Quick note to remind myself that I want to create a Tumblr agent.

Basic Idea:

  • Events From Tumblr
    • Monitor a users posts
    • Monitor specific hashtag posts for a user
    • Monitor 'stream' hashtags/searches
    • General notification/stats type stuff (new follower, reblogged, liked, etc)
    • Ability to differentiate between actual post and reblog?
    • Filter to certain post types?
    • Etc?
  • Events To Tumblr
    • Create new post (of different types)
    • Follow user?
    • Etc?


Question: With something as 'complex' as this, should it all be in one agent (that has different 'modes'), or should it be split into multiple semi-related agents (like Twitter currently is) If multiple agents, is there a nice way to 'group' related agents together? Perhaps we could have related agents in 'subpackages' that come as a bundle (even if they are technically in separate source files)?

As always, open to ideas/suggestions/comments/criticism.

That's a good question, and not something we've totally figured out yet. I'm going to be posting an issue to discuss how best to move Agents into gems.

For now, I'd suggest making one Agent with a couple of different modes.

Cool, shall do it that way when I get to it :)

For reference: #293

Added to agent suggestions list in #353

edent commented

There is an official Ruby Gem, if that's any help