
Specs not being loaded recursively

TildeWill opened this issue · 3 comments

Just started a new gem for the Lifx Agents. I'm pretty excited about having lots of agent gems to pick and choose and being able to configure them via ENV variables.

My repo is at omniscopeio/huginn_lifx_agents

The two spec files at the root of /spec run just fine, but the specs at /spec/concerns and /spec/clients don't get picked up.

It looks like specs are somehow being run through cantino/huginn to pick up the rails_helper, but I don't understand how that would interfere with RSpecs --pattern and not look recursively through the spec directories.

That is true, can you try if changing this line to "bundle exec rspec ../**/*.rb" solves the problem?

The pattern you suggested runs the specs in subfolders of spec but not at the root level of spec :(

Pull request looks good, thanks for the attention!