
Reply to a read of status flags

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This will allow the baud rate on the RS232 to be higher than the CAN rate. Currently it will overrun buffers if this is the case.

F\r Reads the status flags.

It should return:

FXX\r Where XX is a two digit BCD hex value. The bits are as follows:

Bit 0 - CAN receive FIFO queue full
Bit 1 - CAN transmit FIFO queue full
Bit 2 - Error warning (EI)
Bit 3 - Data Overrun (DOI)
Bit 4 - Not Used
Bit 5 - Error Passive (EPI)
Bit 6 - Arbitration Lost (ALI)
Bit 7 - Bus Error (BEI)

This is taken from the datasheet at: