
[Feel free to adopt/fork this repo] Example of creating an API consuming Twitter & Github APIs with Sails.js (Node.js)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


  • The following commands must be run in Twitter-GithubAPIs directory.
  • Node.js version >= 8.0.0 has to be installed on your system.

Start application

1. Remove local.js from the Git index

git rm --cached config/local.js

2. Install global npm packages & dependencies

npm install -g sails
npm install

3. Set the Twitter API keys

4. Run application

sails lift


All commands are run from the browser's console. Open http://localhost:1337 and open the console:

  • Chrome: Press Ctrl+Shift+J (Windows / Linux) or Cmd+Opt+J (Mac)
  • Firefox: Press Ctrl+Shift+K (Windows / Linux) or Cmd+dOpt+K (Mac)



gitSearchRepo(searchQuery[, sort, order])

Find repositories via various criteria. Parameters: https://developer.github.com/v3/search/#search-repositories

gitSearchUser(searchQuery[, sort, order])

Find users via various criteria. Parameters: https://developer.github.com/v3/search/#search-users

gitCreateRepo(token, name[, description, homepage, privateBool])

Create a repository. Parameters:

  • token: Required. Your personal Github access token (https://github.com/settings/tokens). Make sure when creating or editing your token to check these checkboxes:
    • repo
    • user
    • delete_repo
  • name: Required. The name of the repository.
  • description: A short description of the repository.
  • homepage: A URL with more information about the repository.
  • privateBool: Either true to create a private repository or false to create a public one. Creating private repositories requires a paid GitHub account. Default: false.
gitDeleteRepo(token, name)

Delete a repository. Parameters:

  • token: Required. Your personal Github access token (https://github.com/settings/tokens). Make sure when creating or editing your token to check these checkboxes:
    • repo
    • user
    • delete_repo
  • name: Required. The name of the repository.



Authenticate. All Twitter commands need authentication, as well as gimmeTheDude(). Once authenticated, your authentication token will be stored in sessions, which means it would have to be regenerated when restarting the app, or cleaning your cookies.


Get your Twitter username.


Returns a collection of relevant Tweets matching a specified query. Parameters:

Lebowsky special command


Search for "The Dude" projects on GitHub, then, for each project, search for any tweets mentioning it. Output the Github summary of each project together with a list of recent tweets. Important: twAuth() needs to be run before.


Run npm run dev to get started. This will check if your code pass the linter, lift the app and watch the files to reload the app automatically when change occurs. More options of scripts are available, check package.json -> scripts.