
toyui_example fails to work properly on HEAD 6461a83

Opened this issue · 4 comments

We're looking for a new GUI system and would love to try out this one. Unfortunately, the example as built doesn't work properly.

The only clickable element is the gear menu near the bottom (dropdowns do not open); the window is also not draggable although the cursor indicates it can be dragged. Also, the GLFW close button event doesn't seem to be listened to any longer, and I have to ^C out of the example.

I don't have this issue of the dropdown not working but I mostly only ever try this lib with MSVC on windows. What's your target compiler / os ?
I fixed the GLFW close button but the lib has some deinitialization crash when quitting though.

gcc version 6.2.0 20161005 (Ubuntu 6.2.0-5ubuntu12)

Tested on Ubuntu 16.10

On Linux at least, now noticing the issue with clicking the "Pick a demo sample" dropdown seems to be very sporadic. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, a napkin estimate would be it works maybe 1/10 times the application runs.

Clicking the gears on the bottom does consistently work, and when the "demo sample" dropdown does work, I don't have many other problems using kiui. The gear/settings window still can't drag, but that may be by design?

The GLFW window's close button consistently does not work, however.

This is quite puzzling. I will try to reproduce your issue on ubuntu and get back to you.
the glfw button is fixed in 8da1c78 (though there is still an issue on quitting)
the window drag cursor issue is fixed in 0670a64