
tabular reporting

hiredman opened this issue · 4 comments

it would be nice to have tabular reporting via doric or clojure.pprint

or maybe it would be better to doc/have examples of calling criterium and getting the data back instead of printing out reports, something with the convenience of quick-bench but returning the data

(defmacro quick-bench
  [expr & opts]
  (let [[report-options options] (bench/extract-report-options opts)]
      (merge {:overhead (bench/estimatated-overhead)}
             ~(when (seq options) (apply hash-map options)))))) 

the above is just criterium's quick-bench minus the printing reporting, so you get the map back and do whatever reporting

I think we can push the overhead estimation into benchmark* so that you can directly use benchmark and quick-benchmark to get data based results. Does satisfy this?

Doric produces nice output, but I think I would prefer to not have it as a dependency.

that's great, thanks