
'bench' example does not work (hangs)

dalanicolai opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to run the example code, but it hangs. I've created a very short screencast:

(Please neglect that the repl looks weird after 'sending' a line, for that I have posted a question/issue on StackOverflow)

So after 'sending' the 'bench' form, the repl does not return a value nor a new prompt, it just stays there hanging.
The Thread/sleep form itself evaluates fine. Any idea why the bench is hanging (is it a bug)?

Thank you!

I accidentally stumble upon this issue again now. However, in the meantime I 'discovered' that the function was just running for an 'unexpectedly' (for me) long time (I think it was a little more than a minute or so). So there was no issue with the package, just with my 'expectations'. Anyway, thanks for the nice package! I will close this issue now...