
add 32 bits support for addLong method

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Add 32 bits support for addLong method, these are the warning I am getting. In the last two messages, it seems that Zephir doesn't support updating a string using array syntaxis.

Warning: Function "bcadd" does not exist at compile time in /var/www/orientdb_extension/orientdb/OperationAbstract.zep on 384 [nonexistent-function]

let tmpValue = bcadd(tmpValue, "1");

Warning: Function "bcmod" does not exist at compile time in /var/www/orientdb_extension/orientdb/OperationAbstract.zep on 388 [nonexistent-function]

let bitString = (string)abs( (int)bcmod( tmpValue, "2")) . bitString;

Warning: Function "bcdiv" does not exist at compile time in /var/www/orientdb_extension/orientdb/OperationAbstract.zep on 389 [nonexistent-function]

let tmpValue  = bcdiv( tmpValue, "2" );

Warning: Function "gmp_strval" does not exist at compile time in /var/www/orientdb_extension/orientdb/OperationAbstract.zep on 394 [nonexistent-function]

let tmpValue = gmp_strval(gmp_add(tmpValue, "1"));

Warning: Function "gmp_add" does not exist at compile time in /var/www/orientdb_extension/orientdb/OperationAbstract.zep on 394 [nonexistent-function]

let tmpValue = gmp_strval(gmp_add(tmpValue, "1"));

Warning: Function "gmp_strval" does not exist at compile time in /var/www/orientdb_extension/orientdb/OperationAbstract.zep on 398 [nonexistent-function]

let bitString = gmp_strval( gmp_abs( gmp_mod(tmpValue, "2"))) . bitString;

Warning: Function "gmp_abs" does not exist at compile time in /var/www/orientdb_extension/orientdb/OperationAbstract.zep on 398 [nonexistent-function]

let bitString = gmp_strval( gmp_abs( gmp_mod(tmpValue, "2"))) . bitString;

Warning: Function "gmp_mod" does not exist at compile time in /var/www/orientdb_extension/orientdb/OperationAbstract.zep on 398 [nonexistent-function]

let bitString = gmp_strval( gmp_abs( gmp_mod(tmpValue, "2"))) . bitString;

Warning: Function "gmp_strval" does not exist at compile time in /var/www/orientdb_extension/orientdb/OperationAbstract.zep on 399 [nonexistent-function]

let tmpValue = gmp_strval( gmp_div_q( tmpValue, "2"));

Warning: Function "gmp_div_q" does not exist at compile time in /var/www/orientdb_extension/orientdb/OperationAbstract.zep on 399 [nonexistent-function]

let tmpValue = gmp_strval( gmp_div_q( tmpValue, "2"));

Warning: Possible attempt to access array-index on a non-array dynamic variable in /var/www/orientdb_extension/orientdb/OperationAbstract.zep on 411 [non-array-access]

let bitString[idx] = (bitString[idx] == "1")? "0" : "1";

Warning: Possible attempt to update index on a non-array dynamic variable in /var/www/orientdb_extension/orientdb/OperationAbstract.zep on 411 [non-array-update]

let bitString[idx] = (bitString[idx] == "1")? "0" : "1";