
Resolve fixed IDs for resources under 'global' and 'hub'

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Currently, these resources are inside the PatternLab GPM package. But now that we're moving towards building and updating Romanesco entirely with Git/Gitify, these resources would be built also by Gitify.

This creates the problem that those resources will have ID's attached to them already, which we do not want for resources. So we need to get rid of those ID's.. I see 2 options:

  • Create a separate GPM package for the Global Content and Project Hub resources. They will be assigned a proper ID on install by GPM, so it will never conflict with project-specific resources. Downside is that maintaining this package will be a little cumbersome (create resources first, then copy content and CB properties to GPM and add them to the config.json).
  • Remove the ID's from the Gitify _data files somehow. Excluding them from .gitify might trigger Gitify to assign an available ID to the resource, so let's try that. It might cause problems though with updating the resource later on, but if it does work, it means these resources can be maintained from inside the main repo.

The problem with the second option is child resources, since their parent is also referenced by ID in the data file:

pagetitle: 'Main footer'
alias: main-footer
parent: 2

I have decided to move these resources to a new package: Romanesco Backyard.

This package contains the resources and lexicons of the pattern library, which might be accompanied later by a few small components that require to be installed through a package (such as custom CB inputs).

In contrary to Romanesco Patterns package, Romanesco Backyard will be a required dependency in all Romanesco Soil installs.