
register_external_context_pane shouldn't change context.layout

MrQubo opened this issue · 2 comments

MrQubo commented

register_external_context_pane() automatically appends pane name to context.layout.

I think that register_external_context_pane() shouldn't modify context.layout. Users can set the layout themselves or the code calling register_external_context_pane could do so.

Just remove this line:


Line 9607 in 5927df4

gef.config["context.layout"] += f" {corrected_settings_name}"

Seems like issue template thing is broken for me. Clicking "Submit new issue" just does nothing.

hugsy commented

register_external_context_pane() automatically appends pane name to context.layout.

It's debatable: I'd argue that if you go to the point of writing your own pane(s) it means you intend to use them so automatically adding them makes sense.

Did this break something for you (aside from the new layout appearance)?

Seems like issue template thing is broken for me. Clicking "Submit new issue" just does nothing.

Weird 🤔

hugsy commented

Also, moving this into discussion, as it's not a bug