Java Mock SMTP Server

What is Mock SMTP Server

Mock SMTP server implements basic features of SMTP protocol; instead of sending actual emails it keeps internal storage of incoming messages that can be accessed and retrieved later on. The Mock server useful for unit and/or integration testing as well as developing and profiling email functionality.

How To Use

Create SMTP server instance (com.openag.mocksmtp.Server) using no-args constructor:

Server server = new Server();

Change server host/port if needed (defaults to localhost:2525):


Start the server (this will bind the server socket):


Start sending emails using SMTP server host/port

Obtain the mail store from server instance:

MailStore store = server.getMailStore()

Obtain sent email instances using stack-like mail store:

MailMessage message = store.popMessage();

You can access mail message headers and body via the MailMessage instance

Spring configuration

<!-- The Mock SMTP Server
      host:port combination specifies where the server socket will be bound to
      !Bean declaration must declare start/stop lifecycle methods, they will actually
      do socket binding and resources cleanup afterwards
<bean id="server" class="com.openag.mocksmtp.Server" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop">
  <property name="host" value="localhost"/>
  <property name="port" value="2525"/>

<!-- The Mock SMTP storage for incoming mails; the store object can be declared as bean and then
      injected/autowired to test classes (see SampleSpringConfigurationTest for example) -->
<bean id="mailStore" factory-bean="server" factory-method="getMailStore"/>